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Clicker Heroes Clans To Join

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by staphmittcanthum1980 2020. 1. 23. 02:19


Clicker Heroes Clans To Join

Disclaimer: So pretty much warning you now before you go any further. This is the most addicting game on the planet, and you will lose everything in your life if you play it.Clicker heroes is the 8th most played game on steam, it's been around for roughly a year, and it's very similar to cookie clicker, just with better progression. Feel free to read some reviews before you commit your life to this game.The game has a reddit community that has done tremendous amounts of math for this game, ran simulations, solved problems with numerical methods, ran genetic algorithms using neural networks, and everything else you can imagine.

This game is also extremely popular with people of math, programming, and science backgrounds (as well as philosophy).The game is tremendously popular with Dota 2 players, and I imagine many others also. #7 Dunno, I just installed it too and have been playing it for some time. Am at level 54 and shit takes foreveeeeeeeeeeeer to kill atm. I got the first 3 abilities unlocked and have all the way up to the Sir George II hero (can buy midas for 4,000B soonish).Only thing I've noticed so far as far as help goes is just click the shit that pops on the screen, especially birds and then bees can be somewhat helpful. But birds give shitloads of gold and sometimes rubies. Also if you farm a zone a bit treasure chest monsters appear which give extra gold as well, think they are random as well.Other than that yeah it's quite repetitive.

I unlocked the option to join clans (at lvl 50) but I read clans can only have 10 ppl and I dont really know anyone else playing it and then don't know how hard the clan content is (if my low level guy could even do the content for the extra stuff). On September 07 2015 06:27 SaTiN wrote:I had been thinking about trying this a while back and when I saw this, I figured I'd give it a go. I started yesterday and have put about 7 hours into it (although some of that I had left the program open while away).So far I'm at the 74th world, farming up a bit to take on the boss!what are you, some kind of prodigy?

After 48 hours im only level 64I don't think so hahaI don't recall exactly what I did, but you don't even really need to click often. The additional heroes after Cid do passive (idle) dps for you. Basically I tried to get to each level before each boss and stay there until I thought I was 'strong' enough.Once I had enough dps I could kill the boss using my clicks along with the idle dps and with the help of the spells you can learn, it is even easier.I use the first 5 all at once against a boss and at this point (8 hours in, level 91), the boss goes down in 5-10 seconds. I can then use the rest of the spell times to get through the next few zones, too.So I don't really ever click unless I'm using those spells. I don't have to leave the game open, either, because when I start it up again through Steam, it tells me how much gold I've collected while logged off.So while my played time is 8 hours, I've had the game for a couple daysWhen leveling up heroes, I log in and look at what the most expensive heroes I can level up/afford are.

I level those up, but also making sure along the way that I obtain all of the spells, too.Here are my hero levels. Cid, 300Tree, 100Ivan, 125Brittany, 100Fisherman, 100Betty, 100Samurai, 100Leon, 75Forest Seer, 75Alexa, 100Natalia, 75Mercedes, 100Bobby, 100Broyle, 100George, 100Midas, 125Referi, 125Abaddon, 75Ma Zhu, 18Amenhotep, 10Beastlord, 100Athena, 4Aphrodite, 8I do 2,499q dps and 74,990T click (although with all the spells I crit over 50% of the time and can click really fast for 30 seconds)As you can see, I've level up each hero (pretty much) to unlock all their passives, as some give extra click damage or contribute additional damage to other heroes, in addition to the spells you can learn.


On September 08 2015 08:59 GGzerG wrote:Why people think its fun to play a game that plays itself, that you can come back to and say 'oh wow, look how far it has gotten me', is beyond me.You can't really leave, Clicker Heroes doesn't play itself. Definitely a time sink that many wont feel good about after playing though, you can say that about a lot of games though. Creating your scripts to play the game for you is a fun and educational exercise.Anyway, I think I'll be regilding to Alabaster today, quite excited for that.

I also have been working on a lot of the math for optimal ancient ratios, you might've seen my revolutionary early game Siya vs HS/Morg formula here.I have followed a similar method to derivate a Libertas vs Mammom equation, and currently I'm somewhat stuck on deriving a Siya vs Libertas formula. I have trouble making the link between DPS vs Gold. Siya and Morg is relatively easy, simply because you're maximizing the damage multiplier, but I'm not really how to bring together the two.It's not (DPS multiplier).(Gold Multiplier), because the gold has a lower weight, and your gold is worth less since you're receiving it from previous floors, and then also incorporating that lag in time between the gold being dropped and picked up. On September 08 2015 12:03 NrG.NeverExpo wrote:yea i feel this is gunna eat up a lot of my time lol. Just started about 24 hours ago, stage 64 as well.

Re: Clicker Heroes Clan? Post by TStodden » 22 Nov 2015, 08:27 I've experienced that wall here, but you just need to rack up the hero souls (generally by ascending between 160 & 200) until you actually get him, which gives you a massive damage boost for a while until you get far enough to need the next person & so on. Game Discussion: Clicker Heroes Forum. If anyone wants to join, you are very welcome to, please just read the information above. Started this game about a week ago and I would be interested in joining your clan Moon. Hi Moon, I would love to join your clan if you have a spot open. Active daily and mostly idle farmer overnights.

Clicker Heroes Cheat List

My name is NeverExpo is the game, I don't know if you can invite to clans but i'd join one if someone on TL is starting one or has one already. Mind you, I have zero idea about what it means to join or be in a clan lol.

Thank for the thread, I feel there will be a lot of angry people getting addicted and re-addicted to this game lolbeing in a clan means u get to join in daily 'boss fights', with the reward being a lot of hero souls.


The massive hit game from Steam and PC browsers comes to mobile with new features! Clicker Heroes is the idle RPG that started the subgenre! Embark on your quest and begin a simple, yet incredibly fun adventure. Tap to attack monsters, hire and level up heroes to unlock their unique abilities.

Slay monsters for gold, find treasure, and explore new worlds.And introducing Clans and Immortals! Form clans with other players and lead clan-based boss raids against a new type of enemy: the fearsome Immortals!

Clicker Heroes Clans To Join